This cat showed up in time for the party. Who knows where it came from, but come to find out from one of our neighbors, it is currently pregnant. We joked with Jay that it was his present and that she was the only one showing up for the party.
Fun in the pools!!!
I wanted to be creative, so I created Turtle Water. A drop of green food coloring in each bottle along with different color duck tape around each bottle.
Sam's doesn't have the license to create Ninja Turtle cupcakes, so I had them do the cupcakes with green icing and then they gave us all the Ninja Turtle colors needed to create the rest of the cupcakes. Garrett finished off the cupcakes with this design.
The boys found it fun to jump from pool to pool.
We had a mini water balloon toss, which really ended up with one toss and the balloon was gone.
Jay got smashed in the face with one!!
Mason is growing up!! He'll have his two year old party soon.
Garrett made ninja headbands for everyone as a party favor. Better than the little toys we always end up taking home and most of the time throwing away.
Our muddy mess!!
Jay could not wait to open presents.
Thanks to everyone that came out to help celebrate. In just a week and a half we will have a kindergartener in our midst. Where has the time gone?? It's crazy how time flies.