About Me

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garrett and morgan. raised in and around charlotte. married. registered architect and high school teacher. we have two sons and a daughter whom we adore and love to spend time with.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

happiness in a box

Has a box of Cheerios ever made you happy? I've never had Jay ask me for a box until now. If we go to the store, he'll ask for a box because he knows that some of the boxes house his Justice League comic book (aka batman books). This kid loves to look at the books in bed and make up his own story.  So much so, he won't go to sleep and would rather stay up.  This past weekend, Jay noticed that there is a batman mask on these boxes as well. Let me tell you, batman now lives at our house. All yesterday when we were at home together, Jay wore the mask. One little cardboard mask and a comic book out of a box had made him one happy boy.

Also, we are pleased to announce that we have a roller. Mason doesn't roll over all of the time, but did roll over from his belly to his back twice today at school. He did a couple of times at home as well, but I could never get it on video tape. The average down syndrome child rolls over at 6 months. Mason is only 3 1/2 months!! It's crazy how we celebrate the little things, especially with Mason. We expect him to be delayed, but I think he's going to prove us wrong and not be the average down syndrome child.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love updates like this :-) That sweet boy will prove you wrong BECAUSE of you... you guys are doing such a great job!

Miss you guys!
