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garrett and morgan. raised in and around charlotte. married. registered architect and high school teacher. we have two sons and a daughter whom we adore and love to spend time with.

Monday, August 13, 2012

so our big boy is 4 years old.  i can't believe that he has reached this point.  one more year and he will be headed to kindergarden.  crazy how time flies.  jay will miss this sweet lady next year.  this is ms. sue.  she was jay's teacher as an infant and is mason's teacher now.  he goes to see her each morning.  sometimes she has goodies for him, but on friday for his birthday, she had a cake and gifts for him.  she is such a sweet lady and has a big place in our hearts.

today was the day that jay had his 4 year old appointment at the doctor.  he was checked out head to toe.  he weighed in at 30.2 pounds (10%) and 39 inches tall (25%).  He has gained 4 pounds and 3 inches from last year.  the nurse told us that they have just now started to mark bmi on a chart for the kids.  this was the first time that she marked it below the chart.  the doctor just keeps telling us, he is just a lean fellow and that he is on track to be about 5'8" or a little bit taller.

the doctor also said that normally they immunize at 5 years old, but it was up to us whether he was given shots today or next time.  there are normally 4 vaccines given at by 5 years old with two given as a combo.  i opted to have the combo given today.  i don't want to give all the shots at once because i don't know how jay will react to a shot.  i was pleasantly surprised that he just sat there and watched her give him a shot.  he just said it hurt and just moaned and groaned a little.  no crying!!  we've got a really big boy here.

this little guy came to jay's appointment as well.

in just a few short days, jay is going to start playing soccer in a micro-soccer league in mint hill.  this should be interesting.  we've gone out a couple of times to play in the yard and jay seems to listen and want to play.  we will see when we add more kids in the mix.  we think he will be pretty competitive and will want to play.  we can't wait to watch him play.

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