About Me

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garrett and morgan. raised in and around charlotte. married. registered architect and high school teacher. we have two sons and a daughter whom we adore and love to spend time with.

Friday, April 19, 2013

3 days and counting

Today was day 3 that Garrett has been gone and is in Africa.  Since we have been married, I think this is the longest time we've been away from one another.  It is awesome to see the pictures that Garrett is taking on his trip and hearing about all that he has been doing in such a little time of being there.  I received a call Thursday morning at 3:00 when they made it to Johannesburg, texts at lunch time on Thursday when they arrived at the missionaries house in Mozambique, as well as another call this morning around 4:45 before my alarm went off.  The boys were able to see Garrett tonight briefly.  

It is still a while before he gets back, but we will make it, as long as no one else gets sick.  Before Garrett left, Mason came home on Tuesday with a slight fever.  He stayed home with me on Wednesday (the day Garrett left) and was fine, no fever all day.  Thursday was a totally different day and he came home with a fever early in the day.  This was enough to make this mom go crazy, and the hormones didn't help that day.  My honors kids knew something was wrong when I received the phone call to go get him.  I was about on my way and my mom said to turn around and she would get him.  This is when things started to turn around.  Both boys stayed home with my mom today and Mason seems to be on the mend, although he has slept a ton today.

The rest of week should be eventful, with a t-ball game (as long as the field isn't too wet), church, baby shower and of course school all next week, then we end with a birthday party.  At the end of the week, Mason will revisit the ear doctor to check his tubes and hearing to make sure everything is alright.  By what his pediatrician has said when he has checked his ears, it seems the tubes may be making their way out his ear drums.  We will know more on Friday.  I'm also working on Jay tying his shoes.  Last night he tied it by himself and I got it on video for Garrett.  We still have a ways to go to get faster at it as well as tying it tighter, but my goal is to make sure he can do it before he goes to school this fall.  That should happen.

Now for the news everyone probably wants to know, when will we find out what we are having:  Friday, May 3rd.  When I went to my doctor's visit last Thursday, he suggested that since Mason had down syndrome, he wanted me seen by the high risk doctor just for precautions instead of the ob's office.  This is the same office I went to several times for them to monitor Mason's heart and such.  They will just do an overall scan to make sure everything is okay and will be able to look at the ultrasound more intensely to see if there is anything wrong or if everything looks good.  Normally they want to see me at 17 weeks (this past week), but with Garrett out of town, it won't be until I'm 19 weeks along.

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