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garrett and morgan. raised in and around charlotte. married. registered architect and high school teacher. we have two sons and a daughter whom we adore and love to spend time with.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


So the boys are getting bigger every week. Jay is getting to be an awesome big brother and loves to play with Mason. Today, I found him trying to feed Mason his milk. Jay also surprises us each day. He uses words like enormous and such. We didn't even know he knew big words. It's crazy what kids pick up.

Mason, on the other hand, is growing and developing each day. We missed when Jay was smaller him feeding himself because of his feeding issues. Mason doesn't do well with small things like puffs and Cheerios, but he is able to feed himself the pin wheels and ritz crackers. Although, it is messy which we don't care for, it's fun to feed him things and let him use his hands. We are waiting for the day he starts crawling. He can seem to figure out how to put his knees under him and get in position to crawl. I think he will be crawling in the next month. It is exciting to think about it. I know, we don't want him going everywhere in the house, but what it means for Mason is that he is developing and gaining strength.

On a side note and for those following Mason's development, we go back for a hearing test in a week. Hopefully we will confirm if he has a mild hearing loss or not in the left ear, if he will cooperate.

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